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I have downloaded a new patch for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, but I can't find the English Version.If you played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood on a PC and would like to play it in English, you may need to change your language settings if your default language setting is not English or French Canadian. Follow the steps below to change it. Click on the "Start" button and then click "Control Panel." Click on "Clock, Language and Region," then click next to Regional and Language Options (this will open up another window). Click on "Change system locale..." and then click "Next." Click on "English (United States)" and then click next. Now change the keyboard setting to US-English and then click next. Now, you can quit out of all the windows and check to see what language is set for your Assassin's Creed Brotherhood game. It should now work in English!If none of these methods help, please consult support for your operating system or contact Ubisoft Support: https://support.ubi. com/REMARKS : "English version of the game is not supported for this region. We are in process to rectify the issue. Gameplay in English is possible by changing your system locale settings to English or French Canadian."Users of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Linux may experience an issue where cutscenes will not play when they are supposed to. This issue is being investigated. In the meantime, follow these steps to get past cutscenes that fail to play:There are currently two known bugs in the Windows version of "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood". If you experience either, please consult support for your operating system or contact Ubisoft Support: https://support.ubi. com/Assassin's Creed BrotherhoodAssassin's Creed Brotherhood Soundtrack
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer Deluxe Edition
Assassin's Creed II Multiplayer Expansion Pack - Included with "Assassin's Creed II-Game of the Year Edition" on PC. Included with "Titan Edition" on console. It is also available for purchase separately on PC and console. This content is only available in English. Requires installation of Assassin's Creed II-Game of the Year Edition for Windows/Xbox 360, Assassin's Creed II-Gold Edition for PlayStation 3 or Assassin's Creed II-Platinum Pack for PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360.
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